
Future Africa offers new thinking and continental convening ability grounded in local expertise

Delivering African knowledge, expertise and solutions

We advise organizations and leaders who are building a better Africa by providing local and expert knowledge that can be translated into practical application.

Driving positive change

Our thought leadership platform brings together the greatest African thinkers to research and amplify bold ideas that can lead to real and positive change.


Core areas

Preparing Africa for the future by delivering bold ideas and solutions

Economic Futures

A future that sees Africa’s economy thrive and become diverse, connected and secure.

Societal Futures

A future that provides all communities with sufficient access to basic human rights.

Resilient Futures

A future where Africa is resilient and can effectively respond to societal and economic threats.

Bringing together the greatest African thinkers to research and amplify bold ideas that can lead to real and positive change.

Our thought leadership platform provides the opportunity and space for African citizens to contribute to a future Africa – one that they envision and want to live in and be part of.

What we do

With our network of more than 70 African experts from across the continent and the diaspora, we engage with organizations and partners to co-create the future.

We do this by focusing on researching and amplifying bold ideas and solutions that can lead to real and positive change.

We collect and analyze data, which aids our clients and partners in making decisions and coming up with bold and actionable ideas that have a lasting impact on the continent.

Through our continental convening ability and network of policy makers, thought-leaders and partners, we amplify bold ideas and solutions that can lead to real and positive change.


Providing knowledge, strategy, and implementation services to organizations who are building a better Africa.

Our consulting practice partners with the public, private and philanthropic sectors to provide current, contextualized and actionable insights and a range of strategy development and implementation services.

Our deep experience of working and living in Africa, and our immersion in youth contexts allows us to guide local and international organizations to better engage with key demographics and expand their work across geographies or sectors.

What we do

We provide hands-on, medium to long term support for execution plans, policies and strategies.

Our approach is adapted and tailored to specific client needs, but is primarily focused on youth engagement and empowerment initiatives, health systems planning and policy and climate resilience and digital transformation strategies.


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Contact Us

Headquartered on the continent, Future Africa is a portfolio of companies that seek to create and inspire stronger, innovative and more resilient economies and societies across Africa

Our Address

Kyuna Road, Lower Kabete, Nairobi, Kenya

Partnership enquiries

If you would like to get in touch to discuss partnership opportunities, please use the form on our Support Us page or contact us via email at info@futureafrica.com

Press enquiries

For press enquiries please contact: communications@futureafrica.com